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VirtList API


listlist dataArray-
itemKeyThe Id of Item,(if not, scroll fail)String|Number-
minSizeThe Min Size of ItemNumber20
itemGapthe gap between item (item size include itemGap)Number0-
fixedfixed height of item use itNumberfalse-
bufferWhen the rendering amount is large and the scrolling white screen is serious, you can give a value
bufferTop = bufferBottom = buffer
bufferTopbuffer of topNumber0-
bufferBottombuffer of bottomNumber0-
horizontalis horizontal scrollingBooleanfalse-
fixSelectionfix the scrolling loss selection problem (only required and effective in vue2 diff-bug)Booleanfalse-
startStart rendering indexNumber0-
offsetStart rendering scrollTopNumber0-
listStylelist container styleString''-
listClasslist container classString''-
itemStyleitem styleString''-
itemClassitem classString''-
renderControlrender control(begin: number, end: number ) => { begin: number; end: number };--


headerthe slot of header
footerthe slot of footer
sticky-headerthe slot of sticky header
sticky-footerthe slot of sticky footer
emptythe slot of empty
defaultthe slot of item, slotScoped = { itemData, index }


Event NameDescriptionParameters
toTopthe event of arrived topthe itemData of first
toBottomthe event of arrived bottomthe itemData of last
scrollthe event of scrollingevent
itemResizethe event of item size has changed{ id: string, newSize: number }
rangeUpdatethe event of startIndex or endIndex in view has changed{ inViewBegin: number, inViewEnd: number }


resetreset VirtList-
getOffsetget scrollTop(or scrollLeft)-
scrollToTopscroll to top-
scrollToBottomscroll to bottom-
scrollToIndexscroll to indexindex
scrollInToViewscroll to index if needed(if item is not in view)index
scrollToOffsetscroll to pxpx
getItemSizeget size of itemindex
getItemPosByIndexget position of item: { top: number; current: number; bottom: number;}index
forceUpdateforce update(render)-
deletedList2Topdeleted list of top part(Learn more in pagination example)list[]
addedList2Topadded list of top part(Learn more in pagination example)list[]
manualRendermanual render(need support renderBegin  & renderEnd)(renderBegin: number, renderEnd: number) => void
getReactiveDatareturn reactive datareactiveData:ReactiveData


viewsnumberrendered number In view
offsetnumberscrollTop or scrollLeft
listTotalSizenumberthe total of list size(Height without slots)
virtualSizenumberThe virtual placeholder size is the size from 0 to renderBegin
inViewBeginnumberThe start Index in view
inViewEndnumberThe end Index in view
renderBeginnumberThe start Index of rendered
renderEndnumberThe end Index of rendered
bufferTopnumberThe buffer of top
bufferBottomnumberThe buffer of bottom


clientSizenumberthe client size
headerSizenumberheader slot size
footerSizenumberfooter slot size
stickyHeaderSizenumberstickyHeader slot size
stickyFooterSizenumberstickyFooter slot size